German national student body

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The German National Student Union (also: German National Student Union) was the official university association of the German National People's Party (DNVP) in the Weimar Republic .

Since party political involvement was widely regarded as “unacademic” at the time, the DNVP student association remained numerically weak like most other higher education political associations of the time. He was also overshadowed by the influential student associations and other collection movements that call themselves “non-partisan”, such as the German University Ring or the Stahlhelm-Studentenring Langemarck founded in 1927 . Politically most recently settled between the Stahlhelm and the National Socialist German Student Union , the association often stood for candidates on joint electoral lists of the associations or the Stahlhelm.

In 1932 the DNSt joined the University Political Working Group of Student Associations , which was directed against the claim to supremacy of the National Socialist German Student Union, but was short-lived. After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the association ceased its work.

His office was:

Bernburger Strasse 24
Berlin SW. 11
