Stahlhelm student ring Langemarck

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The Stahlhelm student ring "Langemarck" was a paramilitary organization during the Weimar Republic and a university offshoot of the Stahlhelm-Bund der Frontsoldaten . It was aimed primarily at younger, inexperienced students who were to be brought up in the "soldiery and patriotic spirit". This was already expressed in the naming, which referred to the Langemarck myth , which was very popular at the time .

The first Stahlhelm university groups were formed in 1926/27 in Berlin , Cologne , Kiel , Dresden , Jena and Halle (Saale) . In the period that followed, the ring quickly spread to German universities: in the winter semester of 1928/29 there were already 17 university groups; In 1931 there were already over 50 groups, each with between 10 and 150 members. Since 1929 under the leadership of the young conservative journalist Eduard Stadtler , the ring was also active in Austria from 1930/31, where it worked closely with the local home defense movement .

Like its parent organization, the Stahlhelm-Studentenring also propagated the cultivation of "soldier virtues " and a folk- national sentiment as a prerequisite for the "national rebirth" of Germany. His main areas of work were accordingly in the implementation of military sports and labor camps as well as in political propaganda , e.g. B. for the so-called border and foreign Germans . In addition, the student ring also took part in local AStA elections, where it particularly endeavored to fill the departments for press, military and foreign issues as well as political education.

The Stahlhelm groups were initially in a certain rivalry with the National Socialist German Student Union (NSDStB), which was emerging around the same time , mainly because the latter saw themselves as "non-partisan" and rejected party politics. Due to their extensive ideological agreement, however, there was increasing local cooperation, joint electoral lists, etc., which ultimately promoted the NSDStB's seizure of power within the German student body in the summer of 1931. In autumn 1932, the Stahlhelm-Studentenring temporarily joined the University Political Working Group of Student Associations (Hopoag) formed in opposition to the NSDStB . After the National Socialists came to power, however, the Studentenring was integrated into the NSDStB in July 1933 without resistance.

Between 1929 and 1932/33 the student ring published the magazine "Der Stahlhelm-Student".


  • Jens-Markus Sanker: "Stahlhelm our symbol, black-white-red the ribbon ..." The Stahlhelm-Studentenring Langemarck. University politics in field gray 1926–1935 . Würzburg 2004, ISBN 3-930877-38-4 (series of publications of the Student History Association of the CC; Vol. 43).
  • Hans Aschoff: Stahlhelm student ring "Langemarck" . In: Michael Doeberl u. a. (Ed.): Academic Germany , Vol. 2, Berlin 1931, pp. 601 f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Academic Germany, Vol. 2, p. 601.