Dick Geary

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Dick Geary (actually Richard J. Geary ; * 1945 ) is a British historian.

Geary's research interests lie in the history of the European labor movement and Marxism . The latest German history is of particular importance, especially during the period of the German Empire , the Weimar Republic and National Socialism . For some time now, Dick Geary has been increasingly concerned with the history of slavery . Deary is primarily engaged in social history and comparative studies .

Dick Geary worked at well-known research institutions such as King's College in Cambridge, taught at Lancaster University and headed the German Studies department there . At the University of Nottingham he was director of the Institute for the Study of Slavery until his retirement in 2010.


  • European Labor Protest 1848–1939 , London 1981 (German: Workers ' protest and workers' movement in Europe 1848–1939 , Munich 1983).
  • Karl Kautsky , Manchester 1987.
  • European Labor Politics from 1900 to the Depression , Houndmills u. a. 1991.
  • Hitler and Nazism , London 1993.
  • The advantages and pitfalls of a transnational comparative history of the labor movement. In: Yearbook for research on the history of the labor movement . Issue 1/2010.