Dick Scherpenzeel Prijs

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The Dick Scherpenzeel Prijs is a Dutch prize that is awarded for journalistic works that present development processes in non-western countries or the North-South conflict in general in a particularly informative way. The award is named after the journalist Dick Scherpenzeel (1923–1973).

The prize is divided into three categories:

Press award since 1975 for works from the print media, radio and television endowed with 4,454 euros
Photo price since 2000 for both single photos and reports endowed with 4,454 euros
Student price since 1997 endowed with 1,145 euros

After the prize had not been awarded between 1982 and 1990, the former Minister for Development Cooperation Jan Pronk founded the Dick Scherpenzeel Stichting in 1991 , which has been awarding the prize ever since. The members of the jury are named by the incumbent successor Pronks.

Award winners

Press award

  • 1975: Harry Lockefeer and Jan van der Putten ( de Volkskrant )
  • 1976: Editor Kenmerk (IKON)
  • 1977: Sietse Bosgra
  • 1978: Joris Ivens
  • 1979: Nico Kussendrager ( Trouw )
  • 1980: Derde Sprekers Series (NOVIB)
  • 1981: IKON radio programs "Kleur en Een Andere wereld", broadcast on Sunday mornings (not accepted)
  • 1982–1990 not awarded
  • 1991: Jan Kees van der Werk
  • 1992: Michael Stein ( NRC Handelsblad )
  • 1993: Els de Temmerman
  • 1994: Jeroen Akkermans
  • 1995: Foreign editorial office of the VPRO
  • 1996: Koert Lindijer (Africa correspondent for NRC Handelsblad )
  • 1997: Marc Broere and Roy van der Drift
  • 1998: Rob Hof
  • 1999: De Groene Amsterdammer domestic editorial office
  • 2000: VPRO and Duco van Tellegen
  • 2001: Roel van Broekhoven (DNW / VPRO)
  • 2002: Jos Kool (Het contact)
  • 2003: Patrick Lodiers
  • 2004: Raoul de Jong
  • 2005: Dick Wittenberg
  • 2006: Joris Luyendijk
  • 2007: Jacqueline Maris
  • 2008: Tjitske Lingsma
  • 2009: Ilse and Femke van Velzen
  • 2010: Joeri Boom

Photo price

  • 2000: Kadir van Lohuizen
  • 2001: Ad van Denderen
  • 2002: Jan Banning
  • 2003: Bonet
  • 2004: Kadir van Lohuijzen
  • 2005: Jan Banning
  • 2006: Sven Torfinn
  • 2007: not awarded
  • 2008: not awarded

Student price

  • 1997: Helma van de Vondervoort and Miepje Commandeur
  • 1998: not awarded
  • 1999: Thomas Erdbrink
  • 2000: not awarded
  • 2001: Silvia Vázquez
  • 2002: Paul Gevers
  • 2003: Mirjam van den Berg
  • 2004: Alexandra Indaco
  • 2005: Judith van der Kooij
  • 2006: not awarded
  • 2007: Marten Blankesteijn and Geert Jan Hahn
  • 2008: Cas van Kleef
  • 2010: Ana van Es


The winner of the 1992 Press Prize, Michael Stein from the NRC Handelsblad , gave away his prize money demonstratively for the purchase of weapons for the benefit of the Bosnian Muslims in their fight against the Serbs at the time of the Bosnian War .

Individual evidence

  1. Huub Wijfjes: Journalistiek in Nederland 1850–2000 , p. 458

Web links