The alphas

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With the Alpha one is reading learning method called. The associated play and learning material also bears this name.

It has been used by over 42,000 teachers from the French-speaking area for years and is supported by UNESCO . The method has also existed in Germany since 2008, after being transferred from French to German in a year and a half. The method is suitable for children from 4 years of age, who usually know all the letters and learn to read their first words after a week.


The reading learning method "The Alphas" arises from the experiences of the Swiss pedagogue Claude Huguenin . In class she experienced that all children found it extremely difficult to understand the alphabetical system and therefore looked for a way to playfully convey the simple in the complex. In collaboration with the French philosopher Olivier Dubois , she developed the reading-learning method, which conveys the abstract and arbitrary writing system in a concrete and playful form.


Instead of confronting the children with abstract symbols, they are told stories in which the title characters, the alphas, have revealing characteristics: They simultaneously have the shape of the letters and make the sound or sounds that the letter stands for. In addition, the name of each alpha begins with the letter it represents. The individual figures belong to the two families of different sizes, vowel and consonant. When the different characters meet, they make their sounds. This results in new compound sounds. The method starts with the vowels and then moves on to the consonants.


Mr “O”, for example, is a very round figure who likes to make nice round bubbles when he utters admiring “ooohs!”. Or the "M" is a friendly monster that does "mmm" when it sees something it would like to eat. "Mr. O" and "the monster" represent the initials "O" and "M" and also look like a round "O" and a monster. Stories with multiple "alpha" characters are invented for compound sounds.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. -42-000-pae-007.htm
  2. ( Memento from August 1, 2012 in the web archive )
  4. ^ Letters as pictures ( Memento from September 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), WDR from November 17, 2008