The goat gang

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The Böckchen gang (original title: Bukkene Bruse ) is a children's and picture book series by the Norwegian writer Bjørn F. Rørvik and the Norwegian illustrator Gry Moursund. In the three-part series to date, the story of three goat siblings, taken from the Nordic folkloric world of fables, is told, who have to deal with an evil troll in various everyday situations who is constantly trying to terrorize his environment and the other animals. Basic social issues such as family, cohesion and respectful coexistence, but also the unconventional, dealing with authorities and moral courage are dealt with.

The first part Die Böckchen gang in the swimming pool (original title: Bukkene Bruse på badeland ) was published in 2009, the second part Die Böckchen gang in the nursing home (original title: Bukkene Bruse vender tilbake ) in 2014 and the third part Die Böckchen gang in school ( Original title: Bukkene Bruse begynner på skolen ) 2017 at Cappelen Damm in Norwegian , as well as 2017, 2018 and 2019 at Klett Kinderbuch Verlag in German translation. All three parts were translated into German by Monika Osberghaus.

The first book, Die Böckchen-Gang in the swimming pool , was awarded the children's and youth book prize of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture (2009) and the Swedish literary prize Bokjuryn (2012) in the category “best picture book”. The books of the Böckchen gang received an overall positive response from the press. In the German-language press the book was described as "unrestrainedly gambled" ( 3sat Kulturzeit ), "not only crazy, but also crazy funny" ( Zeit Online ) and "one of the cheekiest and most creative picture books of the season" ( Deutschlandfunk Kultur ).


Part 1: The goat gang in the swimming pool

The three brothers of the Böckchen gang set out one summer to spend their holidays on the mountain pastures, as they do every year. When you see a sign, you decide to go to the swimming pool instead this time. This way, you avoid walking across the bridge, under which a creepy troll lives.

When they arrive at the swimming pool, they immediately want to try out the large water slide. However, before the bathing fun can begin, the staff of the Böckchen gang must first explain the bathing rules. As soon as they have put on their swimwear from the treasure chest and taken a shower, they can finally stand in line for the water slide. The bathing fun is abruptly interrupted by tumult at the entrance. It is the troll who loudly pushed past the cash register without paying an entrance fee.

Disregarding the bathing rules and to the annoyance of the other bathers, he recklessly jumps into the pool, bursts a child's beach ball and pushes his way along the line to the water slide, where he stands menacingly under the stairs. Suddenly none of the other animals dares to climb up. Only the three of the goat gang decide to stand up to the troll.

Fearlessly, the goats, closely followed by the frenzied troll, climb the ladder and slide off. Before the troll can even reach the lower end of the slide, the three manage to loosen it from the anchorage and to carry the troublemaker outside in a high arc. All the animals burst out into jubilation, the kid gang saved the day and as a reward for the rest of the summer they get free entry to the swimming pool.

Part 2: The Böckchen gang in the retirement home

Summer is just around the corner and the Böckchen gang decides to spend their holidays on the mountain pastures with waffles and cream. Although they know that on the way they have to cross the bridge under which the evil troll lives, they set off because the goats have grown a bit since the last meeting with the troll and have not been afraid of it for a long time him. They march loudly across the bridge, but without startling the troll, who is obviously not at home.

They are disappointed to find that the Alm is closed and that there will probably not be any waffles for them this summer. On the way back, they stop at a gas station, where they learn that the troll has meanwhile come to the old people's home. Since they now have enough time, the three of them quickly set off to visit him. The conditions in the old people's home are disastrous, because the troll can't behave again. He's lazy, yells around, steals food from the other residents and terrifies the whole home.

The goat gang finds the troll hidden under a table. The troll, furious, tries to grab the goats, but they are too fast for him and cause him to stumble. The troll lands in the middle of a serving trolley, picks up speed and rolls uncontrollably through the aisles, only to land through the window directly on the grill in the courtyard. The troll quickly flees and the goat gang has won again. Together with the relieved residents, they celebrate a big barbecue.

Part 3: The boys gang at school

The Böckchen gang has received a letter that says they should go to school. All three of them still have great difficulty reading and arithmetic and so they take the bus to school the next Monday. Already in the school bus and in the school yard they are warned by the other students about the strict teacher Ms. Schnellschuh, who everyone calls just Ms. Moose Cow. They should be even more careful with the new cruel principal, who prefers to grab the first graders.

Fortunately, the boys come to the class of the nice teacher Hasianne, but again and again a loud crash from the Rector's office interrupts the class. When the goats remember that they have to go to the toilet and start looking, they run into the resolute Frau Schnellschuh who also goes to the toilets. Intimidated, the three no longer dare to go to the toilet and unceremoniously relieve themselves in a flower bed in the yard. They are caught by Ms. Schnellschuh and she sends them directly to the rector.

To the horror of the goat gang, the new principal is the troll, whom they find sitting on the copier in his office. Since he was the only applicant for the post, the troll has received the post of rector and brazenly uses it to make nonsense copies and harass the others.

The three of them run around the copier, closely followed by the troll, until it slips on a sheet of paper and its nose gets stuck in the copier. After all, it has to be picked up by the fire brigade with a crane including a copier. Ms. Schnellschuh is appointed the new headmistress and the goat gang saved the school from the hustle and bustle of the troll.


The goat gang

The goat gang consists of three young billy goats, the largest, the middle and the smallest goat. They prefer to spend their holidays on the alpine pastures and eat their beloved waffles with cream. The siblings experience adventures together at school, in the swimming pool or in a retirement home. With childish shrewdness and cheeky zest for action, they often come into conflict with authorities and rules and get to know basic social values ​​and behavior in the process. They master such situations boldly and in an unconventional way, even if it comes to meeting the dark troll from the mountains again.

The troll

The troll lives alone under a bridge in the mountains and is the arch enemy of the goat gang. He is bigger and stronger than any other animal and has a menacing appearance with dark, thick fur and bony arms and legs. When he is not crouching under his bridge, he simply occupies other places where he is not wanted. The troll is not interested in getting involved in the social community. Nevertheless, he constantly interferes in the life of the other animals, attracts attention with his ruthless and rowdy behavior and tries again and again to “get” the goats. Most of the time, however, he has little success and is led around by the branch-shaped nose by the goat gang.

Nominations and Awards

date Nomination / award
2009 Children's and young people's book award from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture (for "The Goat Gang in the Swimming Pool")
2012 Bokjoryn (for "The Goat Gang in the Swimming Pool")

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Difficult, this childhood! The Kulturzeit children's book tips in May 2017 3sat, May 5, 2017 (accessed April 17, 2019)
  2. The Böckchen gang in the swimming pool - Ingeniously Crazy Time Online, March 23, 2017 (accessed April 17, 2019)
  3. Rövrik / Moursund: "The Böckchen gang in the swimming pool" - Cheeky good mood book for children Deutschlandfunk Kultur, June 27, 2017 (accessed April 17, 2019)