The dogs from Kuenring

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As The Dogs of Kuenring , the two brothers Hadmar III. and Heinrich III. from the Austrian ministerial family of the Kuenringer , who were also known as robber barons .

Origin and meaning of the name

“Dog” was originally an honorable addition to the name of a knight who was loyal to his master. Eufemia von Mistelbach brought this designation with her from her father Heinrich the dog to her marriage with Hadmar II von Kuenring , which passed from the Mistelbach family to the Kuenring family, but especially to Eufemia's sons, Hadmar and Heinrich.

When the sons of Hadmar and Eufemias were raised against their sovereign Duke Friedrich II , the term fell into disrepute and was also used mockingly. The grandson of Hadmar II was mocked as a “little dog”.

The nickname was told in the 16th century a new rating, as a historian is an indication of the relationship of Kuenringer with the Guelph believed to recognize their ancestor Azzo d'Este with the Kuenringerstammvater Azzo is the same name. Even if this assumption is not tenable, it shows the high level of appreciation for the Kuenringer.

Individual evidence

  1. The nickname "dog" in the Lower Austrian Chronicle , accessed on August 15, 2016