The children of the jinn

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Die Kinder des Dschinn (Children of the Lamp) is a fantasy book series by PB Kerr , published in German translation between 2004 and 2012. The main characters are the twins John and Philippa, who, together with their uncle Nimrod, have numerous adventures to endure secure the well-being of humanity. But the two are not normal children, but rather jinn from the respected tribe of the "Marid".


The first book was published in German in a translation by Johanna Ellsworth in 2004 by Oetinger Verlag Hamburg, ISBN 3-7891-4020-1 . In the meantime, all volumes have also been published in the series rororo Rotfuchs bei Reinbek by Rowohlt-Taschenbuch-Verlag.

The novels

The titles:

Volume number German title Year of publication in Germany English title
1 The Akhenaten Adventure 2004 The Akhenaten Adventure
2 Trapped in the palace of Babylon 2005 The blue Djinn of Babylon
3 The riddle of the ninth cobra 2006 The Cobra King of Kathmandu
4th Kidnapped into the kingdom of the Dongxi 2007 Day of the Djinn Warriors
5 The Inca's dark heritage 2009 The Eye of the Forest
6th The spy in the Himalayas 2010 The Five Fakirs of Faizabad
7th The crystals of Khan 2012 The Grave Robbers of Genghis Khan


The adventures of the Djinn twins begin with a visit to the dentist. Although the two are only twelve years old, their wisdom teeth have to be extracted. This is not unusual with jinns, because only when these teeth are removed does the jinn develop its power and thus the gift of fulfilling three wishes. But John and Philippa Gaunt do not know all this because their mother Layla, who is also a Djinn, and their human father Edward, when the children were born, had decided to raise them like normal children. Under anesthesia, however, while their teeth are being pulled, they both have a vision of their uncle Nimrod, whom they have not seen since they were born. He explains to them that from now on some things will change and strange things will happen. So he asks the children to visit him at his house in London so they can explain all this to them. At first, John and Philippa doubt the authenticity of their dream, because it is nothing special for the twins to have the same dream. Only when they realize that things are really going strange, that they have grown by several centimeters within a few days and that their parents are having puzzling conversations, do they decide to follow Nimrod's request. A few days later, John and Philippa arrive at London Airport, where their uncle and his grouchy but loyal butler are waiting for them. Only from Nimrod do the two learn that they are jinn. Through him and Mr. Rakshasas, a very wise Djinn and good friend of Nimrod, the two get to know the world of the Djinn together with the readers.

The world of the jinn

According to the books, there are six tribes of jinns in this world. The good tribes are the Marid , the Jann, and the Jinn . The evil tribes consist of the Ifrit , the ghoul and the Shaitan . The good tribes brought luck, while the bad tribes brought bad luck and misfortune, which they spread through casinos. It is through these opposites that a balance of good and evil emerged that has been baptized homeostasis .

The story of the jinn began when God created angels and jinn. God formed the angels out of light because they were supposed to guard the earth from heaven. The jinn emerged from the fire and should make people happy. But at some point the great decision about good and bad was forced upon all living beings. Most of the angels chose the good, but those who chose the bad and were henceforth only called 'fallen angels' or ' demons ' were so strong that no one dared utter their name.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Specimen copies at the German National Library
  2. ↑ Specimen copies at the German National Library