The new front

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The New Front was the party organ of the foreign headquarters of the Socialist Workers' Party in Germany .

Subtitle: "Front Nouveau - Bimensuel". It appeared twice a month as an organ for proletarian revolutionary collections.

On November 1, 1931, the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany united with the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany and closed its party organ Freedom (USPD) . From June to December 1933, SAP's international headquarters in Paris published 2,000 copies of Die Neue Front in hectographed form. In the early summer of 1933 a Reichsleitung was founded in Berlin, which was soon smashed by the Secret State Police .

In 1934, SAP had around 5,000 members. The New Front was created in newspaper format for membership fees .

At the beginning of 1935, the editors under Paul Ernst Reinhold Wassermann included: Jacob Walcher , Walter Fabian , Paul Frölich , Boris Goldenberg and Max Diamant .

Siegfried Pfeffer was responsible for sales with another comrade. The political responsibility for the New Front lay with the SAP headquarters abroad.

The tendency was Stalinophon critical of the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista .

In Berlin, Walter Fabian was replaced by Walter Emil Fritz Pöppel in January 1935 , who in turn was replaced by Herbert Herklotz in July 1935.


Printer: 23, Rue Mouffetard Publisher: J. Lefeuvre

Individual evidence

  1. Willy Buschak , The London Office: European Left Socialists in the Interwar Period, Stichting Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 1985 - Communism - 359 pp., 152