A woman's revenge

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Anton Chekhov

The Revenge of a Woman ( Russian Месть женщины , Mest schenschtschiny ) is a short story by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov , which appeared on February 2, 1884 in the satirical paper Russki satiritscheski listok .


When the doctor finally finds time to visit the Chelobitevs at home, the sick head of the house has already made his way to the practice of another doctor. The doctor asks Madam Nadezhda Petrovna Chelobitjewa to reimburse the expenses and waits in the salon. Nadeshda Petrovna unfortunately has no cash in the house and sends the grocer for a ruble. When the doctor is not satisfied and asks five rubles, the argument between man and woman escalates. At the height of the latter, the latter passes out into the arms of the former. After an hour at the fireplace, the doctor - pleasantly touched because seduced by the lady of the house - leaves the dust.


Used edition

  • Gerhard Dick (Hrsg.), Wolf Düwel (Hrsg.): Anton Chekhov: Collected works in single volumes : The revenge of a woman. P. 164–167 in: Gerhard Dick (Ed.): Anton Chekhov: From rain to eaves. Short stories. Translated from Russian by Ada Knipper and Gerhard Dick. With a foreword by Wolf Düwel. 630 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1964 (1st edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Note under The Revenge of a Woman (Russian) in the FEB, p. 546
  2. Russian ВИD
  3. Russian Чехов и Ко
  4. Russian Ройзман, Зиновий Александрович
  5. Russian Брусникин, Дмитрий Владимирович
  6. Russian Апексимова, Ирина Викторовна
  7. Entry in WorldCat