The towers of Bos-Maury

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The Bos-Maury Towers is a comic series by the Belgian draftsman Hermann Huppen .


The comic series, set in the High Middle Ages , tells of the journeys of the knight Aymar and his squire Olivier (with Carlsen: Oliver). Aymar's wish is to see his home, the “Towers of Bos-Maury” again. On his travels he is confronted with thieves, jugglers, pilgrims and crusaders . From volume 11 new stories begin about the descendants of Aymar in later centuries. Therefore the series is only called Bos-Maury here .

The draftsman and copywriter of the series is Hermann Huppen, from volume 12 onwards his son Yves Huppen is responsible for the texts.

The albums

In France, the first album was published in 1984 in the magazine Circus , the others in Vecu in sequels. This was followed by an album release by Glénat .

The Carlsen publishing house band released 1-10 as an album from 1986 to 1994. The cult editions moved all volumes with hardcover from 1998, the volumes 11, 12 and 13 also appeared as a signed deluxe editions with the supplied pressure. In Erko a complete edition with three or four albums a band.

The towers of Bos-Maury

  • 1: Babette (1984)
  • 2: The Shepherd (1985)
  • 3: The Monastery (1986)
  • 4: Reinhardt's Return (1987)
  • 5: Alda (1988)
  • 6: Sigurd (1990)
  • 7: Williams Errweg (1990)
  • 8: The Seljuk (1992)
  • 9: Khaled (1992)
  • 10: Olivier (1994)


  • 11: Assunta (1998)
  • 12: Rodrigo (2001)
  • 13: The Dulle Griet (2006)
  • 14: Wassya (2009)
  • 15: The Eye of Heaven (2012)

Web links


  1. In the edition of Carlsen Verlag titled as Die Karawane .
  2. Titled as Oliver in the edition of Carlsen Verlag .