The hidden side of the moon

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The Hidden Side of the Moon is a young adult novel written by Antje Babendererde and published by Arena Verlag in 2007 . The book is Antje Babendererde's fifth novel for young people and was nominated for the Buxtehude Bull in 2008.


Julia was 15 years old when she and her mother drove to Nevada to see her grandparents because her Indian father died. Upon arrival, she discovers that nothing is as her father always described it. She can't believe that the ranch, which is more like a junkyard, is the ranch her father longed for all these years in Germany. Her severely disabled cousin, who is looked after by her grandparents because his mother, the sister of Julia's father, and 17-year-old Simon, who works on the ranch, also live on the ranch. Simon's quiet manner fascinates Julia from the beginning and so she falls in love with him. Her grandmother Ada has been protesting the Ruby Valley Treaty, which says the Western Shoshone have no right to their land, for years. The US government is damaging their country by having atomic bomb tests carried out, which also caused Tommy's disability. Your grandparents have very high debts because despite the contract they still live in the country and let their animals graze there. When her father left, he not only abandoned the ranch, but also his first wife and their children. Julia's half-brother Jason is very friendly to her at the beginning, but when he learns that she is staying longer than expected, he starts to get uncomfortable. Julia's grandmother tells her that Jason and his mother want them to sell the goldmine's ranch to get rid of their debts. In addition, there would still be enough money left over to make a living from it. If Simon didn't help them, they would have sold the ranch long ago, so Jason doesn't like Simon. Now that Julia is here, there is still someone who is entitled to the ranch. After an accident at work, Julia's grandfather has to go to the hospital, Ada stays with him. Simon, Julia and Tommy stay alone on the ranch because their mother has traveled to a friend in California. Julia and Simon decide to pack their things and drive to a cabin in the mountains because they are afraid of the violent Jason, but he shows up before they can go. While he is looking for his "sister", Simon slits open the tires of his car. When Jason notices, he takes out a gun and points it at him. At the same time, Julia and Tommy are waiting for Simon in the truck. The three manage to escape Jason, but not without consequences: The bullet has torn Simon's skin over his left hip. Since he has no health insurance, he has to have Juliet take care of the wound. They drive to the hut where they spend 2 nights together to enjoy the last time before their departure. They drive to the hospital, where Julia's mother and her grandparents are waiting for them. Now it's time to say goodbye. Julia doesn't want to go yet, but since she is not yet of legal age, she has no other choice. Simon promises to earn her money and visit her.

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