Diego de Mazariegos

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Monument to Diego de Mazariegos in San Cristobal de las Casas

Diego de Mazariegos or Diego de Mazariegos y Porres (* 1501 (?) In Zamora (?), Spain; † 1536 (?)) Was a Spanish conquistador in Central America. He is considered the founder of the cities of Chiapa de Corzo and San Cristóbal de las Casas in what is now the Mexican state of Chiapas .


Very little is known about the life of Diego de Mazariegos. The surname Mazariegos occurs more frequently in Spain and different dates of life, parents and siblings are mentioned in different sources. During the conquests of Hernán Cortés in Central Mexico (1519-1521) and Pedro de Alvarado in Guatemala (1523/4) his name does not appear, so that it can be assumed that he came to Central America only afterwards. In 1528 he was given the task of subjugating the Chiapa Indians, who still ruled Central Chiapas - a task which he achieved with the help of Indian allies; In the same year he founded the cities of Villa Real de Chiapa de los Indios (today: 'Chiapa de Corzo') and Villa Real de Chiapa de los Españoles (today: 'San Cristóbal de las Casas'). He appears to have subsequently appointed himself governor of Chiapas, but was replaced by Juan Enríquez de Guzmán in 1531 . The year 1536 is given as the year of his death.

Governor of Cuba

He is sometimes mentioned as the governor of Cuba in the years 1556–1565, but this could also be another person of the same name.


In San Cristóbal de las Casas there is a bronze monument to the city's founder, which was overturned from its pedestal in 1994 by an angry crowd, but was later rebuilt.

See also

Web links

Commons : Diego de Mazariegos  - Collection of images, videos and audio files