Diploma Supplement

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The diploma supplement ( diploma supplement , appendix to the examination certificate , course description ) is a public certificate introduced in connection with the creation of the unified European higher education area (so-called Bologna process ) and required to provide evidence of the completion of a course in a course of study modularized according to the ECTS issued by the responsible academic department (usually the examination office, student secretariat, etc.). It is either handed out at the same time as the examination certificate or issued at the request of the candidate. It can be drawn up in any language; An English version is common alongside the national language version.

The completed degree program is explained in detail in the diploma supplement . The structure of the document follows a specification of the University Rectors' Conference . In particular, information must also be provided about:

  • Entry requirements (admission to study)
  • Competency goals
  • Course content (modules); the listing of all attended events with grades does not belong in a diploma supplement, although this is sometimes done. Such an overview is reserved for the so-called transcript (of records) .
  • Professional (especially professional) usability of the knowledge acquired during the course (advanced courses, doctorate, careers in the public service, so-called “regulated” professions).

The Diploma Supplement is part of the portfolio of the European educational passport, the Europass. The Europass Certificate Supplement is available for vocational training qualifications .