Director at a comprehensive school

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Director at a comprehensive school ( GeD ) is an official title in the school service at comprehensive schools in several German federal states (including Hesse , North Rhine-Westphalia ). As a civil servant , a director at a comprehensive school belongs to the career of the higher service ( grade A 15 ).

The official title of the director at a comprehensive school is usually given by the permanent deputy head of the school (the position is partially equipped with an official allowance) as well as the didactic director and the head of the upper secondary level in NRW .

Directors at a comprehensive school are members of the school management in NRW.

The next promotion office is the leading comprehensive school director (LGeD).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Salaries Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Annex 1. DBW, accessed on March 29, 2015 .
  2. ^ Hessian salary regulations. State law Hesse, accessed in May 2020 .