Dirksen Foundation

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The Dirksen Foundation was established in 1933 by the German Men's Club to promote contacts between the traditional elites and the National Socialists . It was named after the patroness of the Viktoria von Dirksen Foundation .

The Foundation

According to the statute, the purpose of the foundation was:

“To create a place for the leaders of the National Socialist movement in the general interest, in which they can meet outside of work with leading personalities in public life, agriculture, work, trade, industry, science and art, as well as with young leaders to be trained . "

To this end, the foundation financed a clubhouse which, as Max Ilgner wrote in April 1934, "already experienced the lively interest of the leading circles".

The foundation's list of sponsors included Kurt Freiherr von Schröder , Robert Pferdmenges as well as the major banks, Siemens , Bosch , the Flick Group , the Potash Syndicate and, above all, IG Farben . The Ruhr industrialists were less represented.

Heinrich Himmler and Ernst Röhm sat on the board of trustees .

Individual evidence

  1. a b George WF Hallgarten , Joachim Radkau : German industry and politics from Bismarck to the present . Rowohlt, Reinbek 1981, ISBN 3-499-17450-2 , p. 319.