Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together

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Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together
Area: Disease control
Target: Testing of possible drugs for dengue fever , hepatitis C , West Nile virus , yellow fever and other viruses of the Flaviviridae family
Operator: University of Texas Medical Branch, Infrastructure sponsored by IBM
Country: United States
Platform: BOINC
Project status
Status: active
Start: February 17, 2010
The End: 22th of March 2013

Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together is a project of the World Community Grid for distributed computing . The aim of the project is to find a drug that stops the replication of the viruses of the Flaviviridae family - including diseases such as dengue fever , hepatitis C , West Nile virus and yellow fever . With the donated computing time, a structure-based drug search is carried out. The most promising candidates are then efficiently tested in the laboratory.

In the first phase of the Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together project (August 21, 2007 to August 26, 2009), several thousands of drug-like molecules were found. In the second phase of the project, these hits will be examined more closely - it is assumed that 90–95% of the molecules found in the first phase are false positive and can be eliminated by the second phase.

To participate, after registering on the World Community Grid website, a small program (the so-called "Grid Client") must be installed, which is available for Windows , Linux and Mac as part of the BOINC software. This program then gets a task package from the website.

The results of the calculations are made available to research in the public domain.

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