Discussion bridge

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A discussion bridge is an accessory for light microscopes that allows up to ten people to view specimens or other objects under the microscope at the same time.


The device, which was developed in the 1950s, found its way into the police forensic service, among other things . In this way, several forensics experts can analyze individual objects such as fabric fibers at the same time without having to change the specimen, carrier or microscope. Also pathologists like to use discussion bridges to preparations to assess together with other doctors. Another area of ​​application is teaching - especially in the fields of biology and medicine.

technical structure

The device consists of mirrors and prisms that are built into the beam path of a microscope. The beam path is split up and directed to other tubes. Usually a pointer is also built in, which is visible in the field of view of all observers. The person at the microscope can control it and thus point out a certain area on the object to the other observer. Due to the additional optical elements, one has to accept a lower light yield for the observer.


With the development and improvement of digital image recording technology , in particular the reproduction of microscope images via cameras, the discussion bridge was largely replaced, since the image can now be displayed on a monitor, for example. Only pathologists continue to prefer the discussion bridge, because the color fidelity that is necessary for the work of pathologists is often insufficient with digital media.

Individual evidence

  1. Brochure about BX43 / BX46 microscopes as PDF page 9 Olympus America website. Retrieved February 20, 2016.