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Djefi was a mayor and head of the priests who officiated in Qus or Koptos in the ancient Egyptian First Intermediate Period . As head of the priests , he also had secular duties to perform and was thus also governor.

Djefi is known for three steles, all of which probably come from Naqada , where the Qus cemetery was located. On the stele of Chenmes, he reports that Djefi sent him to Iuschenschen , a city that Chenmes found destroyed and then re-founded. The head of fabrics of the great house , Hasi, reports that he served for the head of the priests , Dagi, and his son Djef (probably short for Djefi). Djefi was the son of a priestly chief and followed his father in office. A third stele reports that the elder of the house, Senen, was counting grain when there was a famine under the mayor and priestly chief Djefi.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Henry George Fischer: Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome, Dynasties VI – XI , Rome 1964, 65 (Stele Chicago Oriental Institute 12105)
  2. ^ Fischer: Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome , 66 (Stele Kairo , Ägyptisches Museum CG 1649)
  3. Fischer: Inscriptions from the Coptite Nome , 67–68 (Stele Cairo Egyptian Museum CG 20500)