Djehuti (high priest)

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Djehuti (high priest) in hieroglyphics
G26 t


Djehuti was an ancient Egyptian high priest of Amun at the beginning of the 18th dynasty . He is the earliest civil servant ever to hold this title. Djehuti is best known for grave cones , on which he is also referred to as the head of the sealers . Pharaoh Ahmose's throne name "Neb-pechti-Re" appears on some of the grave cones , which means that Djehuti can be dated under this king. The king's name Heqatawy appears on the other grave cones.


  • MF Laming Macadam: A Corpus of Inscribed Egyptian Funerary Cones , Oxford 1957, No. 535, 536, 537
  • Stephen P. Harvey: King Heqatawy: notes on a forgotten eighteenth dynasty royal name , In: The archeology and art of Ancient Egypt, Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor 1 , Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte , Cahiers 36, Cairo 2007 pp. 343-356 ISBN 978-977-437-241-4