Doing business as
Doing business as (in German literally "business active as") - abbreviated DBA or d / b / a - is a legal term in the law of the United States . It means that a company ( legal person ) or entrepreneur ( natural person ) conducts business under a name other than its legal name.
This concept is also known as fictitious business names or assumed business names . The form for applying for a DBA is officially called Certificate of Assumed Name and must be applied for in each county in which a branch or branch of the company is established. The details of the process may vary by state .
Normally, a company or entrepreneur should only do business under his or her rightful name. If a fictitious or alternative name is required, it must be registered with the DBA. Above all, this is to protect the consumer , who must have an opportunity to contact the rightful owner of the business. In addition, no banking transactions can be conducted under the fictitious name without a DBA.
So sell the Canadian company Research in Motion mobile phones with the device name BlackBerry , which were significantly more popular and as RIM , so that the company exclusively as Since 2013 BlackBerry occurs .
The DBA roughly corresponds to the company in German law, with the difference that, for example, a GmbH may only have one company (i.e. one name), while the number of alternative DBAs is not limited.
In Switzerland, in addition to the company name, a business name or an enseigne (locality-related) could be used and entered in the commercial register.
Individual evidence
- ^ Haidar, JI, 2012. " Impact of Business Regulatory Reforms on Economic Growth ," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Elsevier, vol. 26 (3), pages 285-307, September
- ↑ formerly Art. 48 HRegV