Dolmen dels Tres Peus

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Dolmen dels Tres Peus

The Dolmen dels Tres Peus (also called Dolmen Gran dels Tres Peus or Dolmen Pedra dels Tres Peus) is a megalithic complex in the Les Gavarres hills near Fonteta and Fitor near Forallac in the Baix Empordà in Catalonia in Spain . The dolmen is not to be confused with the dolmen Tres Peus 1–3 near Llofriu .

The unexcavated dolmen is a trapezoid, end-Neolithic (2500 to 1800 BC) complex. It was discovered in 1881 by Vicenç Piera i Tossetti, and Miquel Torroella y Plaja (1858–1936) reported in 1917 about the existence of a “prehistoric dolmen” in Fitor.

The chamber is about 2.4 m long, 1.4 m wide and 1.2 m high. The dolmen consists of six supporting stones made of slate and the oversized capstone protruding in situ at the rear. The remains of conceivable corridor slabs can be seen in the south. The two panels closest to the corridor lean towards the interior due to robbery excavations.

The round tumulus can be seen in the east and south with lying blocks.

The menhir of Fitor stands nearby.

See also


  • Lluís Esteva i Cruañas: “Técnica megalítica gerundense”, dins Arquitectura megalítica y ciclópea catalano-balear, CSIC, Barcelona 1965, pp. 41-59.

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