Cabaleiros dolmen

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Dolmen de Cabaleiros in Tordoia

The Dolmen of Cabaleiros (also known as Casa da Moura, Casa dos Mouros or Couza do Cacheiro) is a megalithic monument from the Neolithic (3rd millennium BC) in the municipality of Tordoia in the Ordes (or Órdenes) region in the La Coruña province in Galicia in Spain .

The dolmen , enclosed by a wall , was listed as a historical monument in 1975. What has been preserved is a polygonal chamber made up of six orthostats , which support a relatively thin cap stone 4.6 m in length as supporting stones. The chamber has an entrance to the east. All the stones in the corridor and most of the hill are missing.

Nearby is the Dolmen of Pedra Moura (Carballo) .

See also


  • Xosé María Lema Suárez: Arquitectura megalítica na Costa da Morte (Antas e Mámoas) . Asociación Neria, Santiago de Compostela 1999.
  • Ramón Boga Moscoso: Dólmenes de Galicia. Arquitectura das grandes pedras . Baía Edicións, A Coruña 1997, ISBN 84-89803-13-7 .
  • Pilar Barciela Garrido, Eusebio Rey Seara: Xacementos Arqueoloxicos De Galicia 2005

Web links

Coordinates: 43 ° 5 '48.8 "  N , 8 ° 33' 1.4"  W.