Domain (volcano)

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Domain is a volcano in the Auckland Volcanic Field in Auckland on the North Island of New Zealand . It is located in Auckland Domain , one of Auckland's oldest public parks. The Auckland War Memorial Museum and Winter Garden are nearby .

It is one of the oldest volcanoes in the Auckland field and consists of a large explosion crater surrounded by a tuff ring. A small cinder cone, pukekaroro , is in the center of the crater. The tuff ring, heaped up by numerous explosive eruptions, consists of a mixture of volcanic ash, lapilli and fragments of the sandstone bedrock.

The eruptions took place on a geological scale shortly after the activity phase of the neighboring Grafton Volcano , the eastern parts of the Grafton Volcano were destroyed and the rest was buried.

Originally the crater was filled with a lava lake. The western half collapsed a little and became a freshwater lake that swamped and slowly filled with sediment. The Europeans drained it for good to make way for sports fields and parkland. The park's duck ponds are fed with the runoff from the crater's drainage system.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Pukekawa - the Domain Volcano . (PDF (134 kB)) Auckland War Memorial Museum , archived from the original on July 16, 2011 ; accessed on September 5, 2014 (English, original website no longer available).
  2. ^ BW Hayward, JA Kenny, R. High, S. France: Grafton Volcano. Geocene 6 (PDF; 3.5 MB), 2011 pp. 12–17.