Don Clarke (comedian)

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Donald "Don" Clarke (born February 8, 1956 in Halifax , Great Britain ) is a British-German stand-up comedian and presenter .


Don Clarke grew up in Halifax (West Yorkshire) and came to Lauenburg (Germany) as a painter in his mid-twenties . When he realized that painters were no longer needed, he spontaneously pretended to be a bricklayer and thus got enough jobs to be able to continue living in Germany.

His comedy career began in 1995 as part of an open house in what was then a hippie commune. Roommate; Friends and guests played music together. Lacking his musical talent, Don decided to perform magic tricks. When he realized that this also failed, he decided to play a comedy set. This was followed by appearances in other shared apartments, at the street festival and various employee parties. He has been touring Germany as a full-time comedian since 1997.

Solo programs

  • Natural Born Comedian

TV and awards (selection)

Web links