Dongdao Yuan

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Dongdao Yuan or Dongdao Temple ( Chinese  东 道 院 , English East Dao Temple  - "Eastern Dao Temple"), which is also Jiutian Gong ( 九天 宮  /  九天 宮 , Jiutian Gong , English Nine Heavens Palace  - "Palace of the Nine Heavens") ) or Huashan Dongdao Yuan ( 华山东 道 院 , English East Dao Temple on Mt. Hua ) is a Daoist temple in the Huashan Mountains ( Hua Shan ) in Huayin County, Shaanxi Province, China . The current buildings date from the Qing Dynasty . It belongs to the tradition of Quanzhen Daoism . The temple is also on the list of the 21 most important Daoist temples of the Chinese State Council.

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