Double stand

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Flag Alpha

The term double stand refers to a special type of flag . Characteristic is the so-called standing , i.e. H. A dovetail-shaped recess is cut into the flying part of the flag, resulting in a double triangular shape.

Examples of a double stand are:

  • Service flag of the naval forces of the Bundeswehr : “As the service flag of the naval forces of the Bundeswehr, I choose the federal service flag in the form of a double stand. The side of the flag facing away from the pole is jagged. The vertex of the right-angled incision is in the middle of the red field. The distance between the vertex and the federal shield is slightly less than the distance between the federal shield and the pole. "
Source: Order of the Federal President on the service flag of the naval forces of the Bundeswehr from May 25, 1956, published in Federal Law Gazette I, page 447.
  • International flag alphabet : flags A lpha and B ravo
Example of a tongued stander: the Swedish war flag

If the double stand still has a "corner" in the middle of the flight side, it has a so-called tongue. The description then speaks of tongue .

Individual proof

  1. ^ Hans-Ulrich Herzog, Georg Hannes: Lexicon of flags and coats of arms . Verlag Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig, 1990, ISBN 3-323-00263-6 (reprint of the Leipzig edition 1966)