Dorieus (son of Neoptolemus)

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Dorieus ( Greek  Δωριεύς ) is a son of Neoptolemus and Leonassa in Greek mythology . On his father's side he was consequently a grandson of Achilles , on his mother's side he was a great- or great-great-grandson of Heracles .

It is unique to the one around 200 BC. The mythographer who wrote in BC called Lysimachos , who gives Leonassa as the mother's name. Usually, however, the wife of Neoptolemus is called Lanassa. According to Lysimachos, Dorieus was Buder or half-brother of Eraos , Pergamos , Argos , Pandaros , Eurymachos , Danae and Troas .



  1. Lysimachus in the Scholien zu Euripides , Andromache 24 and 32; see Felix Jacoby , The Fragments of the Greek Historians (FGrH), No. 382 F 10.