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Dorotheos ( Greek  Δωρόθεος , Latinized Dorotheus ) is a male personal name common in Greek . The corresponding female form is Dorothea . The meaning of the name (“gift of God”) is derived from the two words dōron (δώρον, “gift”) and theos (θεός, “god”). Reversing the order of the two parts of the name results in the common German first names Theodor (Greek Theodoros ) and Theodora .

Name bearer

Patriarchs and bishops


Artist and scientist

Dorotheus as a first name

  • Franz Dorotheus Gerlach (1793–1876), Swiss classical philologist and ancient historian of German origin
  • Christoph von Keller (Dorotheus Ludwig Christoph von Keller, Count von Keller auf Stedten; 1757–1827), German politician