Dot code

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The text "Wikipedia" encoded in a dot code.

Dotcode refers to various 2D codes based on a matrix of points .

Dotcodes are not to be confused with Braille .


The DotCode symbology was published by AIM in October 2009 and was standardized in July 2012. The codes can be read optically and use Reed-Solomon to correct errors . The area of ​​application is the quick printing of industrial or consumer goods in order to identify and track individual units. The codes are used in the cigarette and pharmaceutical industries.

Dot Code A

The Dot Code A is based on a matrix of 6 × 6 to 12 × 12 points. The points - left white or colorless or marked with a normally black point - result in a so-called dot. The combination of blanks and dots requires a binary code (based on zeros and ones). Because of its small size, a point code has a high information density. After deducting fixed points for controls, a 7 × 7 matrix can realize more than two billion combinations of spaces and points and thus theoretically keep more than two billion different ID numbers available in the sense of a fixed code system. However, other data can also be encoded.

The point code can be read reliably from a relatively large distance using a camera system and in all positions. The reliability of the point code is greater than that of the bar code , since only the absence of a point is important. With the barcode, the width of the stripes is also decisive.

The difference between dot codes and bar codes with the same data content is obvious. Point codes are commonly used where the space available for identification is limited, such as B. on a microprocessor. For an environment in which the labels could be soiled or damaged in any way, it is possible to produce a point code by perforating or to insert it directly into the material. Another important advantage of the point code is that a contrast of only about 15 percent is necessary to achieve a successful reading. With a barcode, a contrast of 50 to 60 percent is an absolute necessity.

Standard notices

Dot Code A is a proprietary coding method and is not standardized ( DIN or ISO / IEC ). The code itself is without error detection (test characters) and without error correction. The code is not identical to the open DataMatrix code according to ISO / IEC 16022 and DIN V 66401.

Individual evidence

  2. Dot Code A (Philips Dot Code) on