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Draconus is a Jump 'n' Run - computer game from 1988. It was designed by Kevin Franklin, Ian Copeland, Brian Jobling, Michael Owens and Adam Gilmore.


Draconus' home planet is ruled by a tyrannical monster from another planet. The task of the player in the form of Draconus is to eliminate the tyrant.

Game principle and technology

The player runs or jumps through different screens, where he meets bats, balls or giant rats. He can assume two different states: as a frognum he represents a mixture of human, frog and dragon, as a draconewt he is a water creature. He can either permanently eliminate his opponents by punching or spitting fire, or he can jump over them. The fire-breathing is limited, but can be refilled to a limited extent by collectible symbols. As an overarching task, he must find four extra skills and then face the final battle. One of the abilities allows him to transform into a water creature through special platforms, which makes further areas accessible to him.

Enemy contact drains Frognum's life energy. This can also be refilled with collectible symbols. If all life energy is lost, Frognum loses a life and starts from the last record slab he was standing on, so to speak from a checkpoint that the player can select.

The game consists of about 100 screens, it will switch to the next screen when you exit.


publication Rating
64'er 10.2 / 15

The game was twice number 1 in Atari Magazine's top ten readers. The magazine 64'er praised the graphics, criticized the lack of music, described the game as "quite difficult" and stated that Draconus was just worth the low retail price (around 10 D-Marks).

Web links


  1. a b 64'er 2/1989, p. 154
  2. Atari Magazin issue 05/89, p. 98; 07/89, p. 74. ISSN  0933-887X .