Dreslers Park

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Forest in Dreslers Park, with a small bridge over a partially preserved ravine
Park landscape under trees

Dreslers Park is a listed park in the North Rhine-Westphalian city ​​of Kreuztal .

The park is a large, contiguous green area, in the middle of which there are two historical villas and former stables.

They were built by Heinrich Adolf Dresler (1835–1929) and his brother Friedrich Wilhelm Dresler (1839–1901). In 1860 the two had the “Kreuzthaler Walzwerk” from their father Johann Dresler III. accepted. When it became more and more difficult for the brothers to manage the plant from Siegen , they had an imposing park and the so-called White House built on the main road to Krombach , which they moved into in 1869.

The entire original park was much larger during the brothers' lifetime than it is today and contained numerous agricultural areas that were mainly used for agriculture and livestock. In addition to the actual park, there were fields, meadows and pastures as well as orchards and vegetable gardens.

In 1882 Wilhelm Dresler built the “Yellow Villa” right next to the White House, and the park area was divided up among the brothers. After the Second World War, the park was under Allied command until 1950.

In the course of time, parking lots were sold as building land or fell victim to the growing infrastructure. What remains is the part of the park that is open to the public today. The park area was acquired by the city of Kreuztal in 1989 and officially opened in 1997 as the city's civic and cultural center.

In detail, the park now has the White Villa (conference and meeting rooms, space for cultural events), the Yellow Villa (wedding room of the registry office, seminar rooms and the city archive), the coach house (restaurant) and the Remise of the White Villa (day-care center).

The park was entered on the list of monuments of the city of Kreuztal on March 29, 1990 with all structures, including a music pavilion.


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Coordinates: 50 ° 57 ′ 48 ″  N , 7 ° 59 ′ 28.6 ″  E