Dropides (Archon 593/92 BC)

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Dropides ( Greek Δρωπίδης Drōpídēs ) was 593/592 BC. BC Athenian archon , held the highest office of state. He was probably the grandson or son of the archon of the same name from 645/44 BC. Chr. To distinguish this is he in the research literature "Dropides II." called. Dropides II is referred to by Plato at one point as the friend and oikeios (relative or confidante) of the legendary Athenian legislature Solon , at another point Plato expressly mentions a relationship ( syngeneia ) between Solon and the descendants of Dropides. The degree of relationship remains unclear. Dropides II had a son named Kritias ("Kritias II"), from whom Glaucon, the father of Plato's mother Periktione , was descended.

Dropides "ruled Athens the year after Solon (as Archon)," writes Philostratus . His life dates are not known; analogous to Solon, Johannes Kirchner put the birth in the years around 640 BC. Chr.


  • Theodore John Cadoux: The Athenian Archons from Kreon to Hypsichides . In: Journal of Hellenic Studies . Volume 68, 1948, pp. 70–123, here: p. 99
  • Debra Nails: The People of Plato. A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics . Hackett, Indianapolis and Cambridge 2002, ISBN 0-87220-564-9 , p. 336 and family tree p. 244


  1. Plato, Timaeus 20e; Charmides 155a.
  2. Philostratos, Vitae sophistarum I 16,2: one year μετὰ Σόλωνα Ἀθηναίοις ἦρξεν.
  3. Johannes Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica 4573.