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The Jahwarids were an Arab dynasty in Cordoba . She ruled from 1031 to 1069.

With the elimination of the caliphate of the Umayyad 1031 Dschahwariden won by Abu l-Hazm Dschahwar ibn Dschahwar (1031-1043) control of Córdoba. Under the Taifa kingdoms , however, Córdoba was no longer able to build on the dominant political and cultural importance of earlier times. Due to the extensive destruction in the course of the power struggles between 1009 and 1031, this leadership role was transferred to the Abbadids of Seville .

Abu l-Walid ar-Raschid (1043-1058) and Abd al-Malik (1058-1069) could no longer maintain their position in Cordoba as successors to Abu l-Hamz and were overthrown in 1069 by the Dhun Nunids from Toledo before In 1070 the Abbadids of Seville were able to enforce their rule in Córdoba.


  • Stephan Ronart, Nandy Ronart: Lexicon of the Arab World. A historical-political reference work. Artemis Verlag, Zurich et al. 1972, ISBN 3-7608-0138-2 .