Jalol Ikromy

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Jalol Ikromij (* 7 September July / 20 September  1909 greg. In Bukhara , Emirate of Bukhara ; † April 11, 1993 in Stalinabad , Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic ; Tajik Ҷалол Икромӣ , Persian جلال اکرامی Jalāl Ekrāmī , Russian Джалол Икрами Jalol Ikrami ) was a Tajik writer and playwright . In 1979 he was awarded the title “ Folk Writer of the TaSSR ”.

Works (selection)

  • 1927: «Шаб дар Регистан»;
  • 1933: " Dushman ";
  • 1934: « Дили модар »;
  • 1937: " Тухми муҳаббат ";
  • 1940–1949: «Шодӣ»;
  • 1957: « Ман гунаҳкорам »;
  • 1957: « Тори анкабуд »;
  • 1962: " Духтари оташ ";
  • 1961–1974: the historical trilogy The Twelve Gates of Bukhara ( Tajik Дувоздаҳ дарвозаи Бухоро );
  • 1970: « Дилҳои сӯзон »;
  • 1975: « Гарнизон таслим намешавад »;
  • 1979: « Зоғҳои бадмур »;


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Workers in Soviet literature and here: writers from the USSR and the GDR discussed the representation of the working class in Dushanbe. In: Culture. Neues Deutschland , January 2, 1973, accessed March 21, 2017 .