Duʿāʾ Kumail

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Duʿāʾ Kumail ( Arabic دعاء كميل 'Prayer of supplication of the Kumail') is a supplication that still plays a very important role in Shiite piety today. It is solemnly quoted every Thursday in Iran's mosques , which lasts for about an hour. This prayer is so closely linked to the identity of the Twelve Shia that it was read publicly at the funeral of the Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and commented on in Persian. ʿAlī ibn Abī Tālib is said to have received this prayer from Chidr and passed it on to Kumayl ibn Ziyād (d. 82/701).


  • Denis Aigle: "Le symbolisme religieux šīʿīte dans l'éloge funèbre de l'imām Khomeyni à l'occasion de la prière de Kumayl ". In: Arabica. 41, 1994, pp. 59-83.
  • Gabriele Rebecchi: “La preghiera di Kumayl ibn Ziyād” in Islam. Storia e civiltá 4 (1985) 227-239.
  • David Thurfjell: Do'a-ye Komeil. Translation and Analysis of a Contemporary Shi'ite Prayer Meeting . In: Temenos. 33, 1997, pp. 245-266.