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Duckface (advanced)
Duckface (more like a kissable mouth) combined with the victory sign

A duckface ( English for Schnute , literally: duck face ) is a trend of predominantly female Internet users, for example girlies , which is mainly practiced on profile pictures in social networks . For a duckface, the lips are pressed together like a pout or kissing mouth and the cheeks are often sucked in at the same time , with the aim of appearing both self- deprecating and sexy.

Since many viewers question the sense and aesthetics of duck faces, a counter-movement has formed. This is called the Antiduckface . This movement claims that a duckface looks stupid and unappealing. In contrast, the Duckface people hope to express sympathy, attractiveness and friendliness through these facial expressions.

Web links

Commons : Duckface  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence