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One cheek

Cheek (from Indo-European wank , Old High German  wanga  , 'to curve'), anatomical (in animals in general) also cheek (phonetic similar to Latin Bucca , but not related), denotes a part of the face between the cheekbone and the lower jaw . The cheeks are located under the eye sockets and are bordered by the ears at the back and the nose and chin at the front .

The muscular basis of the cheek is the cheek muscle ( musculus buccinator ). It is covered by the outer skin and inside by the mucous membrane of the oral cavity . In the cheek wall there are also small salivary glands , the cheek glands (glandulae buccales) . The blood supply takes place via the arteria buccalis .

The cheeks have always served as a guide to the state of health. A person with “rosy” cheeks is classified as healthy, whereas pale people are classified as ailing. Therefore, women like to emphasize their cheeks with blush . Some men and women both wear a cheek piercing as jewelry .

In idioms you can find both the cheek (Au cheek !, make big cheeks, grin over both cheeks) and the cheek (hold out the other cheek) .

See also

Web links

Commons : Cheeks  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files
Wiktionary: cheek  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Duden Redewendung, ISBN 3-411-04112-9 , p. 65.
  2. a b Duden Redewendung, ISBN 3-411-04112-9 , p. 87.