Duhar Nagpo

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The great Chinese divination teacher Duhar Nagpo

Duhar Nagpo ( Tib . : du har nag po ; * 8th century ), also known as Lobpön (Tib .: slob dpon ) Duhar Nagpo or Duharwa (Tib .: du har ba ), was the most important among the Chinese scholars who worked on the At the time of King Thrisong Detsen (742–796) came to Tibet to help spread knowledge about Sinotibetic divination calculations (Tib .: nag rtsis ), Chinese geomancy (Tib .: sa dpyad ) and about those in Tibet until the 19th century to participate in gTo rituals treated as secret magic . His activity falls in the third phase of the early period of translations of related works from Chinese.

Duhar Nagpo collaborated on the translation of numerous texts from Chinese into Tibetan. His most famous work is called Rin chen gsal sgron or Rin-chen gsal-ba'i sgron-me ("lamp that illuminates the treasures").

According to the Vaiḍūrya dkar-po of the regent Desi Sanggye Gyatsho , the work Rin chen gsal-sgron deals with six main topics: calculations of suddenly occurring misfortunes (Tib .: keg ), calculations for marriage (Tib .: bag ma ), calculations for fulfilling the wishes of children , Calculations to avoid gender reassignments in the womb and to grow up children (tib .: byis pa btsas klungs ), death calculations (tib .: gšin phugs zangs kyam ) and the calculation of "hostile times" (tib .: dgra gshed ).

The work Rin chen gsal sgron was apparently lost in the turmoil of the fall of the Tibetan monarchy . However, it was found again at the turn of the 9th to the 10th century by the translator Khampa Thramo , the new founder of the Sinotibetan divination calculations for the 2nd millennium, and included in the collective work Yang 'gyur gsal sgron ("Newly translated illuminating lamp") newly translated with numerous other works by Duhar Nagpo. This compilation, which has had a lasting impact on the history of the Sinotibetian divination calculations and geomancy in Tibet, is now considered lost.


  • sde-srid Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho: Phug-lugs rtsis kyi legs-bshad mkhas-pa'i mgul-rgyan vai ḍūr dkar-po'i do-shal dpyod-ldan snying-nor , block print, 634 sheets
  • Te-ming Tseng: Sino-Tibetan divination calculations (Nag-rtsis) presented using the work dPag-bsam ljon-šing by Blo-bzang tshul-khrims rgya-mtsho . International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, Halle 2005. ISBN 3882800704
  • Gyurme Dorjee: Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings. Illuminated manuscripts from The White Beryl od Sangs-rgyas rGya-mtsho with the Moonbeams treatise of Lo-chen Dharmaśrī . John Eskenazi Ltd., London 2002. ISBN 0953994104