Dumitru Ghiață

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Dumitru Ghiață (born September 22, 1888 in Colibași , Mehedinți district , † July 3, 1972 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian artist.


At the beginning of the 20th century, painting was more of a hobby for Ghiață than a real option to support themselves. He rather sympathized with science and therefore went to Bucharest in 1908 in order to be able to continue his education there. It was only through his professor there, Cantacuzino, that Ghiață was recommended to devote himself to art, as his paintings were popular.

By Artur Verona he received extensive training in the field of drawing, 1913 accompanied Ghiata his teacher for a short time even to Paris. At the Paris institutes he attended, Ghiață got to know post-impressionism , which had a decisive influence on his later works. He mainly drew landscapes and still lifes in those days.

After his wedding in 1927, Ghiață began to seriously consider making art his actual profession and shortly afterwards set up his own studio in Cotroceni . From now on he lived de facto full-time as a painter and continued to pursue this profession until his death.

Shortly before his death, Ghiață bequeathed his studio and the adjoining house, which also belonged to him, including all its contents, to the Romanian state. On the basis of this, the Dumitru and Aurelia Ghiață Mueseum was opened in 1994 , which also showed works by his wife.

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