Duncan II

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Portrait of Duncan II from the 17th century - The authenticity is very unlikely

Duncan II ( Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim ; * 1060 ; † November 12, 1094 ) was King of Scotland for half a year until his death .

He was the eldest son of Malcolm III. and his first wife Ingeborg von Halland and thereby grandson of Duncan I. He was married to Athelreda of Northumberland and had an illegitimate son, Wilhelm († 1153), Earl of Moray .

With the help of English troops, Duncan deposed the jointly ruling kings Donald and Edmund in May 1094. Donald III was his uncle and Edmund his half-brother. However, Duncan was only in power for a few months when he was killed in the Battle of Monthechin . Then Donald and Edmund took control again together.

See also

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predecessor Office successor
Donald III and Edmund King of Scotland
Donald III and Edmund