Dynasty General

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Dynasty General (1998) is a turn-based strategy game from Strategic Simulations . It is based on the idea that the emerging People's Republic of China will create conflict in the early 21st century.

In the course of the campaign, a conflict develops between the United Nations led by the United States and Europe and Russia on the one hand and China and North Korea on the other, with China attacking its neighbors in 2005 and occupying large parts of Southeast Asia and the former Soviet Union from which a war against the rest of the world develops.

The game is part of the Panzer General series and represents a present or future conflict. The game was released outside of Germany under the name People's General .


The game simulates a military conflict at battalion or regimental level . The player controls the different characters in turns on a map divided into hex fields. The aim of the game is to take possession of certain specially marked hex fields in a given number of rounds or to destroy all enemy units.

Each pawn stands (approximately) for a battalion of a certain unit type, e.g. B. a tank battalion equipped with Abrams tanks. The units can move a certain number of hexes in a round and / or attack an opposing unit. The range of motion is influenced by the type of terrain over which the unit is moving and the characteristics of the unit. Each unit has a certain number of strength points, usually between 10 and 15. If two units fight against each other, a number of strength points are deducted from both of them (a unit can emerge from a fight without any losses). If a unit has zero strength points, it is eliminated from the game. How a fight ends depends, among other things, on which units fight against each other, in which terrain they do so, whether the defending unit has had time to dig in and how much experience the two units have.


The term "scenario" in Dynasty General refers to combat on a map. You can play against the computer as well as using the hot-seat method, PBEM or the Internet against human opponents (multiplayer). The units of the players are partly given, but partly the player also receives a number of "Prestige", the currency in the game, and can buy new units or upgrade old ones.


In a campaign, several scenarios are combined into a large-scale campaign. The player's characters are divided into core and auxiliary units. The core units are taken from one scenario to the next.


"People's General 3.0" is an unofficial, fan-made modification for Dynasty General. It includes 40 new features, improvements and fixes, including: a .:

  1. 31 instead of 20 countries.
  2. Scenario-specific coalitions
  3. Extended purchase of experienced units

“Red Danger Asia” and “Red Danger Europe”, on the other hand, are two further modifications, which include new campaigns and new unit types, and are set against the background of conflicts in Europe and Asia after the Cold War .

"PeG-WW2" is an adaptation of Dynasty General for WWII, which uses units, campaigns and scenarios that were originally developed for Panzer General II .

Further modifications such as “PeG-WW1” or “PeG-Napoleonic” relocate the game to the time of the First World War or the Napoleonic Wars . However, these modifications are not yet very well developed.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Neue Zürcher Zeitung of August 2, 1999.