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E-Whoring , sometimes also spelled eWhoring , is a term from the world of hackers. It is a fraud procedure on the Internet in which the perpetrator usually searches for his victims in social networks or chat forums under the pretense of a different identity , namely that of a " sexy " looking girl. The only purpose of the contact is to make money online, not to actually meet and abuse the victims .

E-Whoring (from English: "electronic whoring ") is a common means of so-called black hat hackers to build friendship networks via Facebook . If the hacker has found a few hundred friends who trust him sufficiently because they suspect him to be an attractive woman, he offers them monetary links . Usually these are portals for pornography . The woman played by the hacker promises to be personally available for sexual services on the porn site. In reality, however, a subscription is being sold in which the hacker gets his share. Cases of e-whoring with credit card fraud have become known. Sometimes the installation of Trojans is also involved in order to further exploit the victims. As a rule, the hacker uses his camouflage account for as long as possible without attracting negative attention. Such accounts can also be sold for high prices before criminal activity has happened.

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