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The E&G EPIX is a European share index for real estate companies . It is created by the Ellwanger & Geiger bank for the purpose of transparent valuation of European real estate shares and current trends. The E&G EPIX comprises 50 European real estate companies. It is comparable to the DIMAX .

Features of the EPIX

  • Ellwanger & Geiger takes into account the importance of the euro zone on the one hand and the great importance of British companies on the other.
  • The E&G Euro Epix 30 contains 30 companies from the Eurozone.
  • The E&G Epix 50 contains the 30 companies from the Eurozone and an additional 20 companies from Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia and Switzerland.
  • Ellwanger & Geiger calculates the Epix indices both as price indices (without taking dividend payments into account) and as performance indices (taking into account dividends paid).
  • Ellwanger & Geiger calculated the indices back to 1988.
  • The E&G Epix 50 performance index is a benchmark for the E&G Fonds Immobilienaktien Europa.

Index building

The construction of the E&G EPIX indices is based on the basic principles of the German stock index (DAX) and was constructed as a Laspeyres index. The index values ​​are adjusted for changes in capital and dividend payments (performance index). Both indices are also calculated as a price index. The weighting of the individual stocks is based exclusively on the market capitalization of the companies. The inclusion or deletion of individual stocks takes place in the same way as the DAX. The adjustment takes place once a year or as required. The index level is determined and published every trading day on the basis of the closing prices.

Index criteria for the E&G EPIX indices

  • At least 75% of the sales and earnings of the stock corporations must come from the real estate business
  • the companies must be listed on a regular stock exchange
  • In addition, attention is paid to a regional balance
  • reasonable free float so that sufficient liquidity is guaranteed on the stock exchange