Eadwulf III. (Bamburgh)

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Eadwulf III. or Eadulf III. († murdered 1041) was Earl of Bernicia with the residence Bamburgh Castle from 1038 until his death. He was a son of Uhtred and followed his brother Ealdred .

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle , he was "betrayed" by King Hardiknut . The betrayal appears to have been carried out by Siward, Earl of Northumbria ; if the Libellus de exordio and other sources write of the same event, they say that Siward attacked and killed Eadulf. Siward became Count of all Northumbria, probably the first since Uhtred. His son Osulf II usurped the Earldom of Northumbria in 1067.

In the Historia Regum Anglorum it is reported that Eadwulf led a campaign against the British from Cumbria in 1038 . Cumbria may have lost the land they owned south of the Solway at the time.


  • Tim Clarkson, Strathclyde and the Anglo-Saxons in the Viking Age , Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2014.
  • Richard A. Fletcher, Bloodfeud: Murder and Revenge in Anglo-Saxon England . Allen Lane, 2002.
  • Frank Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England Third Edition . Oxford University Press, 1971.
  • Ann Williams, Alfred P. Smyth, DP Kirby, A Bibliographical Dictionary of Dark Age Britain (England, Scotland and Wales c.500-c.1050) . Seaby London, 1991, ISBN 1852640472 , Eadulf ealdorman pp. 114-115.


  1. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle manuscripts C , D , s. a. 1041
  2. Rollason (ed.), Libellus de Exordio , pp. 170–71