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The Ebertpark is a park in the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein .


Exhibition halls in the 1920s

The park is named after President Friedrich Ebert and was opened on May 28, 1925 with the " South German Horticultural Exhibition " (SÜGA).

This was preceded by intensive planning to remedy the consequences of the war and the post-war period. At that time, exhibitions and trade fairs were considered important measures of economic development for the city administration. First, the District Chamber of Palatinate farmers decided in October 1924 to hold an agricultural exhibition in Ludwigshafen, and in November the Landesverband Pfalz eV joined the Reich Association of German Horticulture. Other events were a circle singer festival, a circle gymnastics festival and an art exhibition. From November 1924 to February 1925, the Ludwigshafen city council paved the way for the exhibitions in several meetings. The first earthworks began in November 1924.

In an ideas competition of the horticultural association on January 23, 1925, the design " Sternklar " by the Stuttgart garden architect CW Siegloch won. On February 6, 1925, the groundbreaking for the gardening work took place. In the weeks leading up to the opening, work had to be done at full speed on the implementation. The horticultural association was responsible for the gardens and some of the buildings. The city of Ludwigshafen took on the drainage and backfilling of the site, the construction of the other buildings as well as the traffic development including the tram connection via Hohenzollernstrasse and Ebertstrasse.

The park was created on the area of ​​a former swampy arm of the Old Rhine with rush-covered ponds up to three meters deep, the " Friesenheimer Erdlöchern ", also called " Riedsaumwiesen " in the north . At times more than 1000 so-called emergency workers, who received their first salary through the project, converted the barely used Old Rhine region into the exhibition grounds within a few months according to the plans of Siegloch and the city.

Siegloch's motto “ Sternklar ” can be seen in the entrance area with the octagonal star fountain, whose fountains still jump today.

Very soon after the end of the SÜGA, those responsible for the city realized what a valuable urban development the young park had become. Therefore, the first plans for expansion began as early as 1927, which were gradually implemented in the following years. Important progress in 1927 was the construction of the concert shell and the extension to the southeast with the park pond and the pond cafe. During the National Socialist era, the park was called Hindenburgpark . Until the beginning of the Second World War, many routes were changed and renewed and the zoo and a tropical garden were created. In the post-war years, the reconstruction then took place until around the mid-1950s and the modern redesign of the park, which was partially destroyed in the Second World War, whereby many of the original design ideas were retained and new elements were harmoniously added.


An architectural highlight is the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle, completed in 1965, with its sail-shaped roof construction, which was designed by the Viennese architect Roland Rainer . It is used for sporting events, trade fairs, exhibitions and concerts (such as the award of the golden tuning fork until 2007 ).


The Ebertpark has become one of the most important inner-city recreational areas over the last 50 years. The tower, visible from the main entrance, was modeled on a baroque orangery and houses a restaurant. In front of it is the bronze sculpture of an archer, which presumably goes back to the Berlin sculptor Ernst Moritz Geyger (1861–1941) and which is a repetition of a larger-than-life figure of the artist that stands both in the park of Sanssouci Palace and in the rose garden (Dresden) .

In the park there is a miniature golf course , football fields and playgrounds, boules lanes, a marble stadium and a small animal zoo. A number of different special gardens, such as B. a fragrant rose garden, a blind garden and a spring garden with various water basins make the park a harmonious whole.

In summer, musical performances are occasionally held in the concert shell and in June the Park Festival, the largest festival in Ludwigshafen, takes place on the grounds in front of the Friedrich-Ebert-Halle. Since 1995 the "Miss Ludwigshafen" has also been elected.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Administrative report of the city of Ludwigshafen, 1925, ed. from the statistical office of the city of Ludwigshafen, pp. 68–74
  2. Files of the Ludwigshafen am Rhein City Archives, LuA 2681, 1927–1929, pp. 2–7

Web links

Commons : Ebertpark  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 29 ′ 21 ″  N , 8 ° 24 ′ 57.8 ″  E