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Statuette of Ebiḫ-Il, Louvre

Ebiḫ-Il was an official of Mari in the Šakkanakku period in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. He had a prayer statuette made for the goddess Aštar , which was found in Mari in an excellent state of preservation. It is now in the Louvre .


  • Ignace J. Gelb , Burkhart Kienast: The old Akkadian royal inscriptions of the third millennium BC Chr. (= Freiburg ancient oriental studies. 7). Steiner, Stuttgart 1990, ISBN 3-515-04248-2 , p. 5.
  • Eva Andrea Braun-Holzinger: Early Dynastic Prayer Statuettes (= treatises of the German Orient Society. 19). Mann, Berlin 1977, ISBN 3-7861-1124-3 , p. 69, (At the same time: Frankfurt am Main, University, dissertation, 1972).