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Ederam (Latin Ederammus , † before 1049 ) was a bishop in Poland.

It was only mentioned in the necrologies of the Bavarian monasteries Sankt Emmeram in Regensburg and Weltenburg , in the latter as Ederammus eps. de Polania (Ederam Bishop of Poland) . Since the corresponding version of the Regensburg Book of the Dead was completed in 1049, the bishop must have died before that. Possible dioceses would be Poznan , Wroclaw and Krakow , or Gniezno .


  • Tadeusz Wasilewski: Kościół monarszy w X – XII wieku i jego zwierzchnik biskup polski . Kwartalnik historyczny, Tom 92, 1985. p. 751.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Necrologia Germaniae . Tomus III. ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica ). Berlin 1905. pp. 382 , 331 .