Edgardo Dobry

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Dobry at the Moscow Poets Biennale 2019

Edgardo Dobry (born April 27, 1962 in Rosario , Santa Fe ) is an Argentine writer and translator .


After completing his studies at the University of Barcelona , Edgardo Dobry did his doctorate on the poet Leopoldo Lugones at the same institution . Following this, he was entrusted with a teaching position on literary theory and Hispanic American literature.

In addition to his purely technical publications, articles and essays by Dobry appear in various Argentine, Mexican and Spanish magazines. He also works regularly as a reviewer for the daily El País .

He has been invited to various international poetry festivals, in 2012 a. a. also the Seetaler poetry summer .

Works (selection)

As an author

  • Orfeo en el quiosco de diarios. Ensayo sobre poesía . Adriana Hidalgo Editorial, Buenos Aires 2007, ISBN 978-987-1156-69-6 .
  • Una profecía del pasado. Lugones y la invención del "linaje de Hércules" , Fondo de Cultura Económica, Buenos Aires 2010, ISBN 978-950-557-851-1 .
  • Historia universal de Don Juan , Arpa Editores, Barcelona, ​​2017, ISBN 9788416601363

As translator

Web links