Edmundo Acebedo

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Edmundo Acebedo
Acebedo with his teammates (1904)
date of death 1925
position attack
Years station Games (goals) 1
1894-1909 Central Uruguay Railway Cricket Club
1 Only league games are given.

Edmundo Acebedo († 1925 ) was a Uruguayan football player .


Acebedo was one of the most important players of the predecessor club of the Uruguayan club Atlético Peñarol , which at that time was still under the name Central Uruguay Railway Cricket Club (CURCC) . In 1894 he joined the club and from then on played alongside Julio Negrón, who shared the office of team captain with TBDavies and James Buchanan from 1895 to 1897, and other influential players such as Lorenzo Mazzucco and Juan Pena . Acebedo, who worked as a secretary for the railway works, played in the attack. Including a few interruptions, his football career lasted until 1909. In 1900, 1902, 1904 and 1905 he was elected team captain. At that time he and his teammates won the Copa Uruguaya in 1900, 1901 and 1905 . Acebedo took a key position in the course of the independence process of the club, which in 1913 led to the successor club CA Peñarol. Not only was he a player and team captain, but he was also a member of the board and held the function of treasurer.

Acebedo's surname is sometimes also spelled Acevedo .


Individual evidence

  1. Luciano Álvarez: Historia de Peñarol , 3rd edition 2010, pp. 28ff
  2. ^ Edmundo Acebedo (Spanish) on padreydecano.com, accessed October 28, 2012
  3. Peñarol y siempre Peñarol: La transición de 1913 y la cuestión del decanato by Luciano Álvarez in the section "Las negociaciones entre junio y diciembre" with an explicit 'sic' note placed in brackets after the spelling of the name when reproducing a quote, while Álvarez continues to use the spelling Acebedo .; accessed on August 8, 2017